About Us
Vigilant Controls was founded by David Lake in 2019.
In 2012, David was working as the General Manager for Instrumentation for the company Rain for Rent. Rain for Rent is a leading provider of temporary liquid handling solutions including pumps, tanks, filtration and spill containment and David was responsible for all rental products, as well as product development. With projects ranging from flood relief to construction site dewatering, sewer bypass and industrial plant turnaround, David was charged with helping customers solve many complex challenges. During his five years with the company, he grew his department’s revenue from $1 to $5 million.

As his projects became more complex, David started thinking about the pump control process and how it could be simplified. He understood that companies benefited from having experts on-site for installation and operations, increasing labor costs or risking an increase in operational mistakes. He believed there was a better solution — something that removed the high level of technical expertise required and simplified setup, while also providing the ability to tackle difficult and complex jobs with more ease.
David created that solution.
He took the knowledge he had gained working for Rain for Rent, and before that as an Automation Communication Specialist for Occidental Petroleum, to create a company focused on pump controller technology. Vigilant Controls was born.
After extensive field testing, the VC-D1 pump controller was launched in 2019, offering an unprecedented level of precision pump control that can be managed remotely. VC-D1 is now available for rent nationwide.